
It's Just Business

StatsPaperwork“Leave your feelings outside.” In business, you may have heard it a few times when starting out, or maybe not. I bet you will hear it more often after you have started to become an established business owner. Many will not tell you from the get go there will be times you will need to leave your emotions at the door before heading into a meeting, a conference, or even through the door to an office space. As an employee, you were given friendly reminders to leave your problems outside unless if it pertains to work. That is not the case in the world of an entrepreneur.

How does one not take things personally when it comes to business? Especially if one has been groomed in an employee mindset and must transition into a business owner mindset? Is there some sort of manual or training involved? How do I sign up for that? Truth is that it will hurt. When you start off on your own, most people will be happy for you. But that’s just it. You will not find someone you can easily turn to when things go wrong, or things have taken a different turn from the initial path. On your own, you must train yourself to suck it up before you are in the presence of others. If there are any problems, you must handle them behind closed doors where no one can see or hear you. Of course, this is easier said than done and it will take practice.

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Starting Out and Now

BeYouOwnBossJust like having kids, there is a reason no one tells you it is going to be easy. Starting your own business, branching out on your own, your name on the line, your reputation, the risks you take are all factors no one talks about. Still, that voice says, “Go for it!” Your nerves try to hold you back. Your heart believes you can do it, and that’s just your internal thoughts and feelings. Your loved ones and close friends, what are they thinking or telling you? “Are you serious?” “You’re joking right?” “Oh my God! Good for you!” While secretly you hope to hear more of that last statement, its not the first response or expression that is given most of the time when you first mention your plans. You have the idea, you have a plan, but you need help. Where do you go? Who do you talk to who can lead you in the right direction? Is it going to cost a lot? How much do I need to put forward? Will I have enough support from my family and friends? Not referring to financial support but emotional support. Will I have them behind me every step of the way because they believe in me? Will they stay if I fail? What if I succeed? Will things stay the same or will relationships change? (The dreaded secret questions I didn’t want to ask. Are my friends going to expect me to do things for them at no cost? Will they ask for discounts, gifts, or financial help? If so, will it be a one-time situation, or will it continue to with no end in sight.)

Read more: Starting Out and Now

Facebook Seminar

Boost Your Business With Facebook 2Today, I went to Facebook’s Boost Your Business event that was held in Downtown Tampa and hosted by a group who supports women in business. The event was pretty much a guide how to effectively use Facebook and Instagram for your business. I attended one a few years ago and have been looking for another one since then. I was ecstatic when I saw it on Facebook that it was coming back again. I went ahead, registered, and with an added bonus, it was FREE!!!

The presentation that was put on had a lot of information people could use and apply to their business profile pages on Facebook and Instagram. While the presentation included features I already knew, there were additional features that were new to me and I was very eager to learn, research, and apply them on my client’s pages and my own.

Read more: Facebook Seminar

Edeline’s Hello

Profile Picture 2For quite some time, I have been going back and forth on how to resume postings on my own social media accounts. One thing’s for certain, I have always wanted it to be inspirational and motivational. However, if it means telling the hard truths about current events, so be it. At least I am being me and not trying to sugar coat or avoid difficult conversations. If I lose some friends, where they really my friends to begin with? What will happen if I lose some connections? Maybe they were not strong connections to begin with? After talking with my coach, he pointed out and reminded me of something. Not everyone is going to like what I have to say and it’s okay. I was like “Yeah”! I do not have to take opposing opinions personally.

So, what does this mean? It means Edeline will be Edeline who is no longer holding back her opinions, thoughts, and ideas. I truly accept everyone has their own options and let’s hope it’s always that way. I would never do or say anything purposely to offend anyone, but I cannot change or lie about my view points on certain matters. I researched every topic in my blogs and have found that many people do share my views but have little thoughts or ideas of what to do about them. I welcome those who would like to comment either pro or con in a respectable, nonjudgmental, and non-argumentative manner. We are all entitled to our opinions, thoughts, and ideas. No one can stop us from having an opinion. However, sometimes we allow our opinions to be stifled. Let’s change that. Together we can overcome these obstacles. #ThoughtsOfEdeline #Inspire #Motivate #Opinions

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